Losing weight on your way home

Two introductory sentences: A post about public transport here in Batumi and in Georgia overall is about to come soon, but this will give you a feeling on what that post will be alike. Combining the post’s title with public transport in general in your head will probably already create an imagination of this posts content.

Anyway, despite the loads of food I am getting served here, with the time of starting to work as a teacher on a daily basis, I magically found a way to stay slim. But let me tell the story from the beginning. I have to take the bus to go to school every day. It runs a good 10 minute walk from my home and despite that fact that it does not exactly run regularly I only came late to school once, finding, that the lesson I had to have got moved to another day over night. Not even the students knew and showed up. So it wasn’t too bad.

On the other hand, whenever I leave school after I have finished, I am having the choice to wait for the bus or to start walking to chatch it on the go. Sometimes when the weather is nice I even decide to walk home through some smaller streets, which takes a good 40 minutes. Nice opportunity to reflect your day and to get some fresh air. And to stay in shape.

In reverse, this means, that I do not exactly want to walk 40 minutes the other days. But relying on one of the two buses that I could take turns out to become quite nice for my physical health (assuming that walking is healthy). Besides today, I always had to walk something between 10 and 40 minutes until the bus came. A 40 minute walk could easily take me home as I mentioned earlier, but then I would have to walk straight, leaving the bus route. This way, I would end up at on of the central squares in Batumi, where I every now and then even catch the one bus which is going directly to my house, leaving the other two ones for good. As I said it is not too bad to walk, it keeps my body in a reasonable shape. I only would start hating to go by food when it rained heavily, which fortunately did not happen yet. Fingers crossed.

Attached a slide show with – what seems to evolve as my speciality – again totally unrelated picture from the Miss Georgia contest, recently taking place in the Sheraton here in Batumi. It’s been my first Miss contest ever and it was interesting to see. Otherwise I couldn’t help thinking about the cows eating grass a 5 minute car ride away in my street, which made it rather artificial. Had a good time though. πŸ™‚

PS: Adding a slide show is so much more convenient than adding each individual photo… The images are not as large scaled, but as always, you can ask for high resolution pictures and I will send them.

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About Paul

Hey, my name is Paul and I will be going to Georgia for one year to assist English language teachers in public schools through the "Teach and Learn with Georgia" program.
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2 Responses to Losing weight on your way home

  1. babalwa says:

    is it cos I’m reading your blog on my blackberry that I can’t see the slides or have you removed them 😦 😦 😦

  2. Paul says:

    No, it’s probably related to your Blackberry browser app. Everything is still visible here! πŸ™‚

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